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Immigration Resources

Resources for Putting Faith into Action

United Methodists, rooted in the teachings of Jesus and the prophets, have a long history of speaking out against injustice. Our Wesleyan heritage of “practical divinity,” church teachings, and The United Methodist Church’s mission statement call us to transform the world because we are disciples of Jesus Christ. The United Methodist General Board of Church and Society (GBCS) supports our denomination’s peace and justice work and we look to their scripture-centered resources first. The updated Social Principles are especially relevant today.  

As the Northern Illinois Conference, we want to share these resources that will help churches in times like these. While many urgent issues deserve our attention and our responses will need to evolve, we now offer suggestions for how churches can confront these four immediate topics that challenge the dignity of all people. Find resources here.

Visit the Church and Society page for more information

Immigration Advocacy

You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. (Deut. 10:19)

Church & Society Resources

Faith & Facts on Immigration
Neighbor to Neighbor Toolkit

Sanctuary toolkit

The United Methodist Board of Church and Society, the denomination’s social justice agency, offers guidelines for churches that want to become a sanctuary church. The toolkit is an ecumenical resource created and shared by many in the faith-based advocacy community, said Jeania Ree Moore, director for civil and human rights with the agency.

For more information contact:
General Board of Church and Society
The United Methodist Church

CRLN & ICIRR Resources

Mijente: Expanding Sanctuary Toolkit
Mijente: Expanding Sanctuary Policy Solutions
Mijente: Una Expansion del Santuario
ICIRR: 2017 IL State Legislative Packet
ICIRR: Know Your Rights Resources
CRLN: Expanding Sanctuary Policy Alert
CRLN: Sanctuary Pamphlet

Justice for Our Neighbors (JFON)

The ministry of Justice For Our Neighbors (JFON), initiated by the General Board of Global Ministries in 1999, has served thousands of immigrants across the United States. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) sponsors this program, working in 27 “clinics” in several regions of the United States.

JFON was created to respond to complicated immigration regulations arising from the Immigration Reform Act of 1996. The events of September 11, 2001, and the Patriot Act have worsened the situation, causing many delays in existing and new applications and increasing the number of deportation orders.

The JFON network effectively provides services to the community and a strong forum for advocacy.

For more information visit:

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