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Special Appointment Announcement: Rev. Jacques Conway

Posted: May 7 2023 at 03:09 PM

Grace and peace in the name of our Lord and Savior.

On this Lord’s Day, as we join in our communities of faith to praise God, pray, and grow in wisdom and strength, I am grateful for the clergy of the Northern Illinois Conference who lead their congregations into deeper discipleship through their witness and leadership. 

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Rev. Jacques Conway

I write today to announce the appointment of Rev. Jacques Conway to the Orland Park: Faith United Methodist Church, effective July 1, 2023. 

It is with gratitude that I give thanks for the wisdom and strength of our brother in Christ, Rev. Jacques Conway, who has served as the District Superintendent for the Lake South (former Chicago: Southern District) over the course of the past 7 years. Jacques was pressed into service in the fall of 2016 following the election of Bishop Tracy Malone. Jacques has served faithfully through a changing and challenging season. 

I have had the blessing of serving with Rev. Conway only for a brief period of time, but I am grateful for his skills in discernment and care for the Lake South District during his time as superintendent and I will miss working with him on a daily basis. 

Rev Conway previously served Chicago: Christ, Greater Englewood, Maywood: Neighborhood, and Chicago: St. Matthew. With the appointment to Orland Park: Faith, he brings his strong relational skills, mission heart, dynamic preaching, and passion for Christ to the good people of this church, which has a tremendous history and its own strong witness and dynamic mission focus. 

May God be a blessing to Rev. Conway and may Rev. Conway be a blessing to the people of Faith UMC.

Walking in partnership with Christ,

Bishop Dan Schwerin

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