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Rev. Arlene Christopherson's Ministry Celebrated

Posted: September 12 2024 at 12:04 AM
Author: Victoria Rebeck

Northern Illinois United Methodists gathered at First United Methodist Church in Downers Grove on  Sept. 8 to thank Rev. Arlene Christopherson for her over 30 years of ministry in lay and clergy roles.

Arlene, who most recently served as the assistant to the bishop, began ministry in the UMC—at this congregation, in fact—soon after she graduated from college. The church hired her to oversee their confirmation program, which at the time included almost 100 students.

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Rev. Arlene Christopherson shows off Lena Churchmouse, who helped Arlene with children's sermons in her early ministry years.

Tom Roose, who was and continues to be a member at Downers Grove, recalls her ministry from those years with appreciation.  She included in the confirmation lessons trips to Rockford Urban Ministries and other missions sites that were supported in part by United Methodist connectional giving.

"She was a champion for justice," he said.

Having grown up in the Reformed Church, which did not ordain women, she was not thinking about clergy ministry then. However, as she continued to work for churches where she received encouragement to use her gifts, she heard God's call and eventually pursued ordination as a United Methodist elder.

"I was the first woman in four out of five appointments," she recalled. "In one case, I was removed before I began, because I was pregnant, and the congregation didn't think a pastor should be pregnant."

The bishop instead appointed her to Midlothian—an urban, multicultural church.

"It was the best thing that could happen," she said, because of the opportunities that setting provided. 

She also served United Methodist congregations in Polo and Sycamore, and is grateful for what she learned from those rural churches and communities.

Randy Hayes, NIC's annual conference secretary, got to know Arlene when she led the church in Polo. He especially appreciated the way she trained laypeople for their ministries.

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Arlene and her husband, Gary, greet well-wishers after the celebration.

In his work as conference secretary, Arlene has been "my source and checkpoint for all things United Methodist," he said.

Eventually Arlene was appointed to be NIC's director of connectional ministries and assistant to the bishop. She loved these roles, she said, in part because she liked the mix of administration and working with people.

Others expressed gratitude for the ways she prepared them for leadership. Rev. Shirley Pulgar-Hughes remembers how welcome Arlene made her feel, and how much she helped the  conference Board of Global Ministries. "Arlene is smart and humble," she said.

Rev. Hwa-Young Chong, superintendent of the Prairie North District, had the same experience of welcome. She remembers meeting Arlene when Hwa-Young was first pursuing United Methodist ordination. Arlene was a kind, helpful guide through the bewildering process. 

Having come to the U.S. from Korea, Hwa-Young told Arlene that "I appreciated your sensitivity to cross-cultural ministries."

Bishop Dan Schwerin, who worked with Arlene most recently while she served as assistant to the bishop, commended her pastoral concern for those who requested prayer from conference clergy, her administrative acumen, and her ethics and character.

"The office of the episcopacy is one of integrity," he said. "Arlene helped to maintain this integrity."

Bishops Sally Dyck, Hee-Soo Jung, and John Hopkins shared their congratulations by precorded videos.

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Rev. Shirley Pulgar-Hughes thanks Arlene for her warm welcome and kind leadership.

"You have been faithful and touched many lives," Bishop Jung said to Arlene. "I always saw you as a bridge-builder. 

"You have a transforming presence, through your theology, faith, and your relationship skills. We all have been blessed by your ministry."

Shirley Pulgar-Hughes reminded Arlene that her ministry leaves a legacy.

"Know that your work for the common good, all over the world, will continue long after you leave," she said. 

Referring to Arlene's projected retirement activities, Shirley said, "Don't forget the other sacred work God has given you—reading, gardening, and quilting."

Arlene will continue to serve the episcopal office on special projects.

A note of thanks:

Dear Northern Illinois Conference Community: Thank you for your greetings, gifts, and words of grace upon my retirement. The celebration on Sept. 8 was a wonderful reminder of how interconnected we are as God’s people of faith. I was deeply humbled and blessed by the stories, the laughter, and blessings. It was a joy to gather and remember. In gratitude, Rev. Arlene Christopherson.

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