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Praying Our Way Forward - Day 3

Posted: December 5 2017 at 12:00 AM

Today’s Prayer is from Rev. Mary Bohall:

God of grace and peace,
In this anxious time, remind us that nothing comes as a surprise to you. You are not anxious, for you have set your path before us. Open our eyes and humble our hearts that we may see your Truth and know it for ourselves. Teach us to discern those selfish spirits dwelling within us more keenly than those spirits dwelling within our neighbors. Help us move forward in your good kingdom rather than those kingdoms we believe are good to us. Prod us to have grace and mercy with one another so we may be the sheep of your pasture hearing the voice of our Shepherd. Fill us with love so overflowing, it can only be shed abroad. We ask this in the name of your precious Son and in the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen

News & Announcements

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In Sympathy: Lynn Everitt Longenbaugh

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In Sympathy: Rev. Dennis M. Oglesby Jr.

Rev. Dennis M. Oglesby Jr., a member of the Northern Illinois Conference, passed away on Sunday, June 16, 2024.

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Cheryl Weaver Named Conference Benefits Officer for NIC and Wisconsin

Rev. Cheryl Weaver, Wisconsin Conference’s benefits officer, will also serve Northern Illinois Conference in this capacity, beginning June 1.

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In Sympathy: Philip A. Bergstrom

Rev. Philip A. Bergstrom, a retired member of the Northern Illinois Conference, passed away on April 17, 2024.
