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Prayer for Highland Park

Posted: July 19 2022 at 02:07 PM
Author: Karen Bonnell, Co-Chair Discipleship Task Force

Highland Park Galiliee Umc Vigil Photo By Won J Park 7


Jesus said we are the salt of the earth. (Matthew 5:13). I heard someone else comment that all too often we tell people, “Go to the church! There’s salt there!” when we should be out sprinkling salt where it is needed.  And sometimes you don’t know where it’s needed until you get out there.  

Spending the day conditioning for an upcoming mountain hike, I happened upon someone who was training for a big goal to climb Mt. Rainier.  As we trekked, we visited about our retirements, families, faith, and even ventured into a civil conversation about politics! We shared snacks. Toward the end of our hike, she revealed she was in the parade on Independence Day at Highland Park and asked for prayers for herself and the community. Friends, as the newsfeed winds down, our prayers are still very much needed, even for the strong and wise ones like my hiking friend.  

We are grateful for the Bishop’s letter and clergy and laity from Galilee UMC (Highland Park), Christ UMC (Deerfield), Northbrook UMC, Grace UMC (Lake Bluff), and many others. As Co-Chair of the Discipleship Task Force, though, we invite all in our Conference to join us in prayer.

O, Most High God of Love, You are Counselor, Peacemaker, Comforter, Provider, and Shepherd.  You are fully able and yet You enlist our prayers and works. Your heart broke at yet another mass shooting—the one at Highland Park during Fourth of July celebrations. 

You care greatly for all people and even the sparrows. You want to heal those who are wounded, those who mourn, and those with PTSD. Deploy Your people, Lord, to do what You have enabled them to do, healing all those who are suffering and recovering. Send counselors, encouragers, those with listening ears, and those offering gifts of food and fellowship. Inspire generous people to support NAMI and other agencies that deal with mental health and emergency situations. Send healing to first responders and ER personnel. Comfort those who mourn. Strengthen all who serve. Turn our world right side up. 

We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.               

We invite you to get out there and spread some salt and contact us at to join the NIC Prayer Team!

Karen Bonnell

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