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Leading the Laity: We’ve come this far by faith

Posted: July 8 2024 at 12:15 AM
Author: Eugene Williams, Conference Co-Lay Leader

Ac24 Laity Session Discussion 3 Cmyk

Grace and peace unto you, my siblings of Northern Illinois! On behalf of my Conference Co-Lay Leader, Connie Augsburger, and the entire Board of Laity, we would like to thank each of you for your continued support of laity. So much has taken place, is taking place, and will take place in the life of our denomination. There were historic changes approved at General Conference in North Carolina during April and May. But just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water, just remember: we still have a considerable way to go on our journey toward perfection, seeking equity and loving our neighbors as Christ did. 

Nevertheless, we have embraced joining with our siblings from Wisconsin to become a new episcopal area. And we acknowledge all that has taken place at General Conference and annual conference, each with its own positives and negatives. We are not static, but ever evolving.  

For us, the only constant is change itself. The world is ever-changing but God is still the same. Where we are today is just another rung on Jacob’s ladder. So let us continue to embrace this season of experimentation and possibilities with hope and with love. Let us not dwell on what we didn’t get or what we gave up or what we don’t have. Rather, let us seek opportunities for new growth to go forward with love to meet each other wherever we may be found. For only Christ is perfect, and perfection for us is indeed elusive!  

We can complain and talk down the decisions and progress that have been made so far or we can help spread the word of how God is blessing us to do the work that Christ has set before us. We may not yet be where we want to be individually or as a denomination and we certainly are not yet where God would have us to be. But we should be thankful that God didn’t leave us where He first found us. We’ve come this far by faith, sisters and brothers! Though we may not always get what we want, if we try real hard, we might just find what we need.  

Siblings, God may not come when we want Him, but He will always be there right on time. Let us be the best we can for Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit. My prayer is that you will: Embrace opportunity! Cling to hope! Choose love over fear! Pray without ceasing! And always remember, “We’ve come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord! Trusting in His holy word, He’s never failed us yet” (“We’ve Come This Far by Faith,” by Albert A. Goodson). 

Let us pray for all God’s children, especially those who don’t even know that we are praying for them. Tell them about the ark of safety that he provides for us. Tell them of the salvation that Christ offers. Tell them about the good news: that Christ saves, Christ saves indeed! 

Blessings to each of you during this season of gratitude. Amen. 

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