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Leading the Laity: Choose love over fear

Posted: April 25 2024 at 06:10 AM
Author: Eugene Williams, Conference Co-Lay Leader

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Grace and peace unto you, Easter siblings. As we revel in and appreciate the mighty acts of Christ during Holy Week and on Resurrection Sunday, allow me to remind us all that Eastertide does not end until the book of Revelation. Though we celebrate the season of Lent anew each year as a reminder of the mighty acts of Christ, the fact is, Easter never ends. That is why we are called Easter People. 

As Easter People, we do not operate from a base of fear, rather that of love and positivity. Easter People operate from a season of abundance and especially the abundance of love. Let’s consider the following: Our bank accounts of love are plentiful and overflowing. These accounts will never become depleted, so let’s spend some of it! Then you will see that the return on your investment is much greater than that of a soaring stock market. We must choose love and not fear.  

With the ability to extend love being such an abundant commodity, why is it so difficult to share it? Maybe it’s because it is easy to allow fear to creep into our mindset. But love, like God’s grace, is so plentiful that we never have to worry about using up the most precious resource that we possess. Love is more precious than gold, silver, and rubies. We simply have to offer it freely to others. 

When we give into fear, it causes us to be more judgmental and less compassionate. Christ has provided us with the answer in the two greatest commandments: First, “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” and second, “you shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:37-40). 

There are approximately 800,000 words in the Bible. Love is mentioned approximately 600 times and fear is mentioned approximately 400 times. Choose love over fear! Emulate Christ and obey his commandment! 

Though we are still in Eastertide, we are also facing many challenging situations that will test just how willing we are to share our abundance of love. At the United Methodist General Conference, delegates were faced with proposals for severe budget cuts and decisions on regionalization. In our conference, we are also working through the reality of sharing a bishop and all that entails, to ensure transparency and fairness for all. And we await the formal decision as to whom will be our bishop of the new Northern Illinois and Wisconsin Episcopal Area. 

And then there are other polarizing distractions: Our current political landscape, women’s choice, the Supreme Court, wars and rumors of wars (Israel, Gaza, Iran, Russia, and Ukraine), and once again, another police-involved shooting that will test the community’s trust in law enforcement. Indeed, it is so easy to give in to fear and retreat into our dispassionate corners of judgment. 

But we cannot be afraid to show our love for one another; it costs us nothing. It may seem easier to give into fear and peer pressure, but it is truly an easy lift to share love abundantly.  

Choose love over fear! It is what Christ expects of us. May God bless you and keep you as we continue on our Easter journey. And as with everything we do, to God be the glory. Amen! 

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