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Keagy Grants grow rural churches’ ministries with their neighbors

Posted: November 6 2024 at 04:13 PM
Author: Lisa Smith, NIC Communications Specialist

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2024 Town And Rural

Representatives from 27 churches gathered at Grace United Methodist Church in Dixon on Nov. 2 for the Town and Rural Festival to celebrate 31 grant-supported projects that are making a difference in their communities. The Northern Illinois Conference awards two grants for rural ministry each year — the PACK (Planned Act of Christian Kindness) Grant and the Keagy Grant — to empower small-town and rural churches in their community outreach.

The PACK Grants support churches' work to bless those in the neighboring community and to show them Jesus’s love. This year, 15 PACK grants totaling more than $7,300 were awarded in amounts ranging from $100 to $500.

The Keagy Grants are funded by a bequest from Martin Keagy, who had a big heart for small-town and rural churches. These grants are for larger ministry projects that benefit the community and strengthen the church through evangelism, discipleship, justice, and compassion. This fund has been awarding grants for over 50 years. This year, 16 Keagy grants of more than $37,450 were awarded in amounts ranging from $500 to $5,000.

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Connection and networking among the church communities is an important part of the Town and Rural Festival.

Rev. Libby Rutherford, chair of the Keagy Town and Rural Committee, expressed gratitude, saying, “It is so good to see where God is working in and among us, by directly connecting us to our communities to the love of God and for the common good. These grants ensure that NIC churches in small towns and rural areas can support and value people of all ages and all walks of life.”

This year, grant-supported projects made a significant impact across four key areas: seniors, outreach, resources, and kids and youth. Ministries with seniors brought them joy and connection through fellowship gatherings and enrichment activities. The grant-funded outreach efforts launched initiatives that reached out to neighbors through community meals, Pridefest support, and seeker groups, all promoting inclusivity and spiritual growth. Multiple projects focused on providing essential resources to meet vital community needs. Kids and youth were the focus of many projects, that included creating vacation Bible schools, Easter events, youth rooms, and mission trips to foster faith, compassion, and community engagement.

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Nancy Pitsch, a layperson from Sterling Wesley United Methodist Church, which used the money to expand their confirmation classes.

Rev. Dr. Brian Gilbert, Prairie South district superintendent, gave a devotion from Romans, reminding participants of the importance of unity and collaboration. “Look how we work together: to share how we love, to grow and disciple, and fight the desire to compete,” he emphasized, celebrating the connectional spirit.

Rev. Violet Johnicker, pastor of Brooke Road United Methodist Church in Rockford, taught participants about racism in rural communities and challenged them to consider that “there is no such thing as neutral.” She encouraged churches to be brave and open-hearted, reminding them, “The Holy Spirit shows up in the uncomfortable, sometimes like a stomachache.” In the subsequent discussion, people talked about ways they saw people standing up against racism and acknowledged the difficulties of speaking up against racism.

The highlight of the day was when attendees shared stories of how these grants have sparked transformation within their communities. “Not only did the grants help start new programs, but they also provided, sustained, and supported programs where God was already working,” said Nancy Pitsch, a layperson from Sterling Wesley United Methodist Church, which used the money to expand their confirmation classes.

The event closed with lunch, providing a time for networking and mutual encouragement among these devoted church communities. 

Grant applications for 2025 will be available by January and are due March 31, 2025. More information can be found on the grant page.

View the powerpoint presentation from the event here.

2024 Keagy/P.AC.K. Grant Recipients

  • Apple River UMC, for Love God, Others, Self
  • Ashton UMC, for Youth Outreach
  • Brookeville UMC, for Easter Egg Hunt
  • Cedarville UMC, for Food Pantry
  • Creston UMC, for After-Class Enrichment
  • Dixon: Grace UMC, for Faith Links and God Loves Everyone
  • Durand UMC, for Mary's Closet
  • Elizabeth UMC, for Fellowship and Lunch
  • Esmond UMC, for Teacher Support
  • La Salle: Grace, for Winter Clothing Drive and Prayer Shawls
  • Leland UMC, for Youth Mission Trip
  • Lena UMC, for Kids Night Out
  • Mendota: First UMC, for Pop Up Laundry and VBS and Lawn Party
  • Morris: First UMC, for Messy Church
  • Norway UMC, for Bear Necessities and Norway after the bell
  • Orangeville UMC, for Acts 2:45
  • Oregon UMC, for Wednesday Night Alive and Dangerous Hope Mission
  • Pearl City UMC, for Kids Club
  • Prophetstown UMC, for Community VBS
  • Rochelle UMC, for Pillows and Pillowcases for School
  • Savanna: First UMC, for Blessing Baskets, School Supplies, and Sewing Group
  • Scales Mound UMC, for Young at Heart
  • Shannon: Bethel UMC, for Senior Meals
  • Sterling: First UMC, for Loaves and Fishes Breakfast and Fish Food Pantry
  • Sterling Wesley UMC, for Confirmation
  • Stockton: Wesley UMC, for New Seekers Group and Online Outreach
  • Tampico UMC, for Food Pantry, Lenten Meal and Sewing Group

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