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Fall Bible Study

Posted: September 20 2022 at 12:50 PM
Nic Bookclub Soul Reset Square


The Discipleship Task Force is excited about the Fall 2022 NIC Book Club selection, Soul Reset by the late Junius Dotson! Rev Dotson spoke at one of our Laity Convocations and also led the Bible Study for our Annual Conference.   
Here Junius Dotson tells his story, and here is how this study works for congregations.

This book speaks to many of us!  Methodists are doers, not hearers only.  We tend to be busy.  It is a good thing to be about our Father’s work.  But maybe we need to begin by listening to our Creator to get our priorities straight.  Then we can live as truly whole people.  As Jesus said, “Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:30 The Message)

Please join us in reading Soul Reset this fall.  You may read it on your own, gather a small group of your own together, or join one of the opportunities in place.  Copies may be purchased at Cokesbury,  Upper Room, Amazon, or other bookstores.

We look forward to sharing this experience together.

~Karen Bonnell and Rev. Caleb Hong, Co-Chairs of Discipleship Task Force

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In Sympathy: Rev. Dennis M. Oglesby Jr.

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