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Digital Earth Day

Posted: April 14 2020 at 05:25 PM

Amid coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic concerns, Earth Day Network, the global organizer of Earth Day, will mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day much differently this year.

Organizers are encouraging participation in the first Digital Earth Day, a global digital mobilization on April 22 to address the most urgent threats to people and the planet.

“At Earth Day Network, the health and safety of volunteers and participants in Earth Day events are our top concern. Amid the recent outbreak, we encourage people to rise up but to do so safely and responsibly—in many cases, that means using our voices to drive action online rather than in person,” said Kathleen Rogers, President of Earth Day Network.

The pandemic will affect regions and countries differently, and some individuals and communities may decide to still hold in-person events. Earth Day Network urges everyone to assess their situation individually, take precautions and follow the recommendations and advice from the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“Whether it be coronavirus or our global climate crisis, we cannot shut down,” said Rogers.“ Instead, we must shift our energies and efforts to new ways to mobilize the world to action.”

The global conversation will be unified and tracked by the shared hashtags #EarthDay2020 and #EARTHRISE. Earth Day Network will provide live coverage of the global digital mobilizations from its social media accounts (@earthdaynetwork). Other digital events will include virtual protests, social media campaigns, online teach-ins and more. A full scope of digital actions will be available at

The NIC Sustainability Task Force shares these ideas to celebrate Earth Day:

  • When you walk around the neighborhood pick up trash.
  • Start planning your flower and vegetable gardens. Be mindful of nature and wildlife in your yard/garden choices. Focus on clean earth solutions and better sustainable plants.
  • Pick a movie listed at and have a group watch from their entertainment provider and discuss as a group on Zoom.
  • Praise God for all the benefits the earth is receiving for slowing down of pollution.
  • Meditate outdoors and be mindful of the air, the wild creatures, the coming to life of the perennials.
  • Focus on clean earth solutions and sustainable play.
  • Find worship resources at

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