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CPRES: A Call to “Micah’s Prayer” 

Posted: March 12 2021 at 11:00 AM
Cpres Micahs Prayer For Justice Flier

Members of the Clergy Peer Reflection and Engagement Series (CPRES) are inviting all members of the Northern Illinois Conference of The United Methodist Church to join them in daily prayer for justice. Hearing Micah proclaiming that we should “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God,” they are launching the “Micah’s Prayer” initiative.

"We realize that there is much work to be done within not only ourselves but also our churches and communities around the issues of justice," said CPRES members.  "Therefore, we are calling on all members, laity and clergy, of the Northern Illinois Conference to offer daily prayers at 8 o’clock for justice. We encourage this to take place either in the morning or evening, even offering your written prayers on the conference social media sites for others to pray."

The trial of Derek Chauvin, charged in George Floyd’s death, has begun with jury selections and will continue for a number of weeks which will be the focus of many in our country. As the church, the CPRES members say we can be a witness as we call for justice in this and many other places. They are calling on all people to be in prayer at 8 o’clock for the duration of 8 minutes and 46 seconds (the amount of time in which Derek Chauvin’s knee was on George Floyd’s neck). Pray for peace, justice, and discernment as we wrestle with our response to any outcome.

You're invited to lift up other injustices in our communities and world in the weeks to come. Please join us in “Micah’s Prayer.”

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