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Bishop Schwerin Urges: Pray for Election Neighborliness

Posted: October 4 2024 at 12:00 AM
Author: Bishop Dan Schwerin

“We are one people, one family, one house.”—John Lewis, Walking with the Wind

On Oct. 5 we will be roughly one month away from the Nov. 5 national elections. As your bishop I ask you to pray for and live into election neighborliness. Let me explain.

Matthew 22:37-39 reads, “’You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'You must love your neighbor as yourself.’”


In First Nations Version: An Indigenous Bible Translation of the New Testament, that same passage is rendered, “’You must love the Great Spirit from deep within, with the strength of your arms, the thoughts of your mind, and the courage of your heart.’ This is the first and greatest instruction. The second is like the first, he added. 'You must love your fellow human beings in the same way you love yourselves.’”

Notice that love is to be at the center of our life together.

When I met with Muslim leadership in Chicago not long ago, we discussed what we could agree to work on together as children of Abraham. Of the many things we affirmed, we committed to engendering neighborly interfaith relationships in our span of care. One request surprised me: Could we agree to conduct ourselves by telling the truth? Misinformation intimidates legitimate citizens from diverse people groups from going to the polls for fear of harassment. Spreading fear-filled falsehoods about particular people groups is a weapon not used by love-your-neighbor people. 

I pray that United Methodists in Northern Illinois and Wisconsin will encourage entrance into shared public spaces, and foster relationships of well-being. We have an opportunity to practice election neighborliness with our words and deeds. Paul Chilcote says ours is the choice between hostility and hospitality. I appreciate the words of John Lewis on this: “We are one people, one family, one house.”

In the next month during your private and public worship prayer times, remember to pray for the election process. Please seek of God and offer your neighbor free and fair election behavior. Pray for a process not marred by malfeasance, and an acceptance of honestly established outcomes—especially without resorting to violence.

Know that I am praying for you, and I am grateful for your ministry.

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