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Bishop Announces New Prairie Central District Superintendent

Posted: February 13 2024 at 05:41 PM

Bishop Dan Schwerin has announced the appointment of Rev. Wendy Hardin Hermann as Prairie Central District superintendent, effective July 1, 2024. Rev. Hardin Hermann currently serves at Mt. Prospect: Trinity and will follow Rev. Jeffry Bross, who has been appointed as lead pastor at Libertyville United Methodist Church effective July 1, 2024.  


"In my time of prayer and discernment with the Northern Illinois Conference Cabinet, while also listening to the Prairie Central Superintendency Committee, I heard the need to continue with a superintendent who demonstrates a hospitable and supportive heart; someone who can love the laity and clergy we are called to be in ministry with," Bishop Schwerin said. "I believe that person is Rev. Wendy Hardin Hermann.

"I am excited to work with Rev. Hermann’s gifts as a grounded, contemplative spiritual leader who brings a collaborative spirit. Rev. Hardin Hermann is a person of integrity, a quality needed as superintendents will be given even more responsibility in 2024 as we share episcopal leadership with another conference and build teams that can share our span of care." 

Rev. Hardin Hermann was raised in Auburn, AL, and is a lifelong United Methodist and a second-generation United Methodist clergyperson, following in the footsteps of her mother, an elder who served in Alabama and Georgia. Wendy has a deep love of God, God’s people, and the church. Her passions for ministry include planning and leading meaningful and relevant worship, building Christian community among people of diverse backgrounds, empowering and challenging individuals and congregations to practice intentional discipleship, strategizing with churches to plan for their future, and being an ally in creating a boldly inclusive United Methodist Church.

She graduated from Birmingham-Southern College with a Bachelor of Arts in English and from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity. She was ordained and elder in the Northern Illinois Conference in 1999 and has served churches in Hinsdale, Rogers Park, Norwood Park, and Glenview prior to her appointment at Mt. Prospect in 2017.

“I am humbled by Bishop Schwerin’s invitation to sit at the table with the rest of the Northern Illinois Cabinet," Rev. Hardin Hermann said. "I have great respect for Bishop Schwerin and his spiritual leadership. I look forward to getting to know the good people of the Prairie Central District, coming alongside you as we seek God’s leading for the future.

"I give thanks for the fruitful and dynamic leadership of outgoing District Superintendent Rev. Jeffry Bross, and I look forward to learning from Rev. Bross in this time of transition.”

Rev. Hardin Hermann's call to ministry was shaped by her early experiences of faith formation in the home and local church. In college, she served on the staff of Appalachia Service Project, a home-repair ministry. Those summers in West Virginia changed her life and led her to seek more opportunities to be in ministry with the most vulnerable. Her guiding scripture is from the fourth Chapter of Luke: “the Spirit of the Lord is upon me . . . to bring good news to the poor . . . to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” 

Bishop Schwerin asks Northern Illinois United Methodists to hold in prayer Rev. Hardin Hermann, her family, and everyone in an appointment transition. 

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