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A Message from the Bishop: Prayer for Peace Following School Shooting

Posted: March 27 2023 at 08:08 PM
Author: Bishop Dan Schwerin

Grace and peace to you in the name of Christ.

You may have learned that earlier today, an armed attacker killed three children and three adults at Covenant School in Nashville, Tenn. Bishop Bill McAlilly of the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Annual Conference has asked United Methodists to be in prayer for our neighbors, especially the many children, parents, and teachers affected by this violence. I invite you to join me in this prayer.

Prince of Peace,

We give thanks that love is the source of your power.

You chose a cross rather than suggest the world could be redeemed by violence.

In a defining moment, you asked Peter to put his sword away.

You saw your mother's grief at the foot of your cross.

Today we pray for mothers, fathers, families, coworkers, teachers, and children who grieve as a result of the school shooting in Nashville. We pray for their healing and our own.

Sovereign God, guide all governments with wisdom to serve the powerless first. Grant us leadership that prioritizes the well-being of the next generation.

Holy Spirit, search our hearts with your love.

Create in us a clean heart, O God. Put a new and right spirit within us.

May peace be in our steps.

Hallowed be your name.


Dan Schwerin, Bishop
Northern Illinois Conference UMC

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