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Mission Challenge Collection Sites


Current Collection Sites as of 11/17/21

Lake North District

Lake South District

UMC of Libertyville
Contact: Kathie Slocum    847-362-1749
Drop-off Instructions:
429 Brainerd Ave, Libertyville, IL 60048
Monday -Thursday, 9 am – 3 pm
West entrance that has four doors (parking lot)
There will be a gray plastic bin inside the door.

Urban Village-West/ River Forest UMC 
Contact: River Forest UMC Office 708-771-3668
Drop-off Instructions: Nov. 27 and Dec 4
7970 Lake Street, River Forest, IL 60305
9 am to 12 pm
Northwest entrance (near parking lot) 

Buffalo Grove Kingswood UMC
Contact: James Preston, Clayton Edwards
Drop-off Instructions: 
November 27th - 10 am to 2 pm
December 6th - 4 to 8 pm
Donated items may be dropped through the front door.
(double doors).
401 W. Dundee Rd. Buffalo Grove, IL 60089

UMC of New Lenox
Contact: Ray Trent   815-277-7053
Trailer at New Lenox
339 W. Haven Avenue New Lenox, IL 60451
Drop-off Instructions: 
Monday – Thursday 9am - 4:30 pm
Friday 9 am -1 pm
Call 630-355-1748 for after-hours

Oak Lawn First UMC 
Contact: Linda Prohaska    708-203-3917
100th St & S Central Avenue, Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Drop-off Instructions: 
10 am -6 pm
Call Linda @ 708-203-3917 to schedule a drop-off time.
Drop off at front door.    

St. Mark UMC 
Contact: Anna Kellum
Phone: (773) 846-2992
8441 S. St Lawrence Ave Chicago, IL 60619
Drop-off Instructions: 
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10 am – 5 pm

Prairie Central District


Community Church of Fox River Grove UMC 
Contact: Rev. Karen Sersen   847-639-7737
Drop-off Instructions: 
400 Opatrny, Fox River Grove, IL 60021
Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm Wednesdays 11 am – 3 pm
Call church office for alternative drop-off times. 
Drop off at front door.    

Geneva UMC 
Contact: Rev. Lisa Telomen 630-232-7120
Drop-off Instructions: (Nov. 27 - Dec. 4)
211 Hamilton St., Geneva, IL 60134
Monday through Thursday:  8:30 am - 4:30pm
Saturdays – Nov.27 & Dec. 4:  9am - noon

Our Redeemer UMC 
Contact: Melissa Bland   847-882-6116
Drop-off Instructions:  
1600 W. Schaumburg Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60007
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
9 am – 1 pm

Fall 2021 Mission Challenge

Prairie North District

Prairie South District

Christ UMC 
Contact: Ged Trias 815-608-0572
Drop-off Instructions: (November 1 to December 7)
4509 Highcrest Road, Rockford, IL 61107
Monday & Wednesday 8:30 am -3 pm
White trailer to the left of Door #6

Freeport Faith UMC 
Contact: Lisa Hunziker   815-232-6533
Drop-off Instructions: (November 1 to December 7)
1440 South Walnut Avenue, Freeport, IL 61032
Tuesday through Friday 9 am – 1 pm
Lanark UMC
Contact: Marilyn Joan Nolan (815) 994-2567
Primary: (815) 493-6300
Drop-off Instructions:  (November 1 to December 7)
410 E. Franklin, Lanark, IL 61046
Call (815) 493-6300 or email
to arrange for drop-off times

Rochelle UMC 
Contact: Gigi Gardner 815-562-2164
Drop-off Instructions: (November 1 to December 7)
709 4th Avenue, Rochelle, IL 61068 
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9 am -3 pm
Please utilize the main entrance off the parking lot. 
Contact for alternate drop-off times contact  

Ottawa First UMC
Contact: Church Office  (815) 433-1060
100 W Jefferson Ottawa, IL 61350
Drop-off Instructions:  (November 1 to December 7)
Monday, Tuesday & Friday 9am – noon
Use Columbus St./Rt. 23 North (Side Door)

Ottawa Evangelical UMC (pending) 
Contact: Reverend Abraham Moller
773- 698-2296
1116 Illinois Ave. Odawa, IL 61350
Drop-off Instructions:  coming

News & Announcements

Picture 5

UM Missionaries see lives changed in Asia and Africa

United Methodist Global Ministries missionaries Rev. Jonathan McCurley (Japan) and Rev. Dexter Ceballos (Mongolia) visited local congregations in February, sharing powerful…

Nic Collections End July 2024 Cmyk

Have you made your contribution?

In an effort to be more transparent, the Finance and Administration office is going to be consistently sharing where we are as a conference are in regards to the giving versus what is needed fo…

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In Sympathy: Ronald W. Purser

Rev. Ronald W. Purser, a retired member of the Northern Illinois Conference, passed away on Monday, February 24, 2025.

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In Sympathy: Robert "Bob" Lacock

Robert "Bob" Lacock, spouse of Rev. Dr. Michelle Oberwise Lacock, a retired member of the Northern Illinois Conference, Friday, February 28, 2025.
