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HealthFlex Exchange

Clergy and Lay Employee Medical Insurance

HealthFlex is a wellness-driven group health plan for United Methodist Church annual conferences and employer groups with more than 50 employees. Administered by Wespath, it is offered by over 35 plan sponsors to provide health benefits and well-being programs for more than 10,000 clergy and lay participants and their families.

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Enrolling Church Lay Employees in HealthFlex

United Methodist churches may enroll their employees in HealthFlex. First, they should complete the Salary-Payment Unit Sub-Adoption Agreement.  By completing this, the church agrees to receive direct billing from the NIC for the monthly premium amount for lay employee. The church is responsible for collect the premium from the lay employee. Churches choose the employees to whom they will offer coverage.

Send the completed form to  LaMeise Turner in the NIC benefits office.  Direct your questions to LaMeise Turner as well.

 Medical Insurance Resources

If you have questions and/or concerns, please contact LaMeise Turner, NIC Benefits Coordinator, at 872-810-0924.


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