Order of Elders Share Experiences and Encouragement
About 100 elders gathered at Barrington United Methodist Church on March 25 for their annual order meeting.
December 31 is the next United Voices for Children Sunday
You are one of the 70 United Methodist congregations in Northern Illinois that makes a real difference in the lives of children, youth and families in need by giving tens of thousands of dollars a year through UVC's Fifth Sunday Appeal to support our outstanding agencies:
ChildServ, MYSI Corporation, and Rosecrance.
December 31 is the next Fifth Sunday. On this transition Sunday, between Christmas, New Years, and Epiphany, we celebrate that God is born to us as a child, Jesus the Christ. This child was born under the threat of violence from King Herod, to parents left out in the elements to bear a child, and delivered among stabled animals. Mary, Joseph, and Jesus are among all of our at-risk families yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
In shaping your worship service and recognizing at-risk children who live among us today, here are some considerations to include in your worship that may help your congregation connect to those served by the United Voices for Children. These ideas are drawn from the Revised Common Lectionary texts for that Sunday: Isaiah 61:10-62:3; Psalms 148; Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:22-40.
Celebrating Children - Jesus and Jesus' family are shone to be faithful to their tradition by celebrating and honoring the boy Jesus at a Synagogue.
You might also want to use this Howard Thurman poem (published in The Mood of Christmas & Other Celebrations, 1973) or one of its musical settings:
Thank you for participating in the Fifth Sunday Appeal in the past. Will you plan to take part again on December 31?
You can request a quantity of special offering envelopes OR get any other information about how to participate by contacting UVC at unitedvoicesforchildren@gmail.com
Visit us at www.unitedvoicesforchildren.org
About 100 elders gathered at Barrington United Methodist Church on March 25 for their annual order meeting.
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