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UMM Annual Meeting

Location: Wesley UMC, 201 E. 95th Street, Chicago IL 60619

Saturday, February 22, 8:30am

UMM Annual Meeting with Elections

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We will begin at 8:30 am with registration, fellowship and breakfast, followed by a business meeting during which we will discuss the plans the GCUMM has for responding to the upcoming General Conference outcome. 

As part of the business meeting we will hold the election of certain officers of the NICUMM Executive Committee. 

The Nominations Committee has nominated the following slate of officers per the bylaws: 

  • President – George Groves
  • Vice President – Craig McGregor
  • Treasurer – Gene Williams
  • Secretary – Dave Holland

 [These nominees are continuing in their current office and nominations can be made from the floor at the meeting.]

The Executive Committee also has the following unfilled positions: Hunger Relief Advocate and Spiritual Congress Registrar.

After the business meeting we will move into the Sanctuary,  where Bishop Sally Dyck will lead us in worship and install the new officers prior to communion.  Bishop's  message "I Can See Clearly Now!" will focus on the changes we can/might expect during the next four years. 

Be sure to talk about this event at your men’s meetings and bring a carload of men to this informative meeting and service!

Please RSVP to Vern Geddes or 773-550-0732 by Feb. 19 to let them know how many men from your church will be there for breakfast.

News & Announcements


Joy and Lament: Statement from Queer Clergy Caucus

The Northern Illinois Queer Clergy Caucus celebrate the gains made at General Conference and call United Methodists to an affirming, not just neutral, stance.


Bishop's State of the Church Address, 2024

Bishop Dan Schwerin's State of the Church Address, Annual Conference 2024. "We don’t have 330 churches. We have 330 experiments. We are missional incubators."

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In Sympathy: Lynn Everitt Longenbaugh

Rev. Dr. Lynn Everitt Longenbaugh, a retired member of Northern Illinois Conference, passed away on June 6, 2024.

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In Sympathy: Rev. Dennis M. Oglesby Jr.

Rev. Dennis M. Oglesby Jr., a member of the Northern Illinois Conference, passed away on Sunday, June 16, 2024.
