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Retirement Seminar

Location: Wespath, 1901 Chestnut Ave., Glenview, IL 60025

Oct. 16, 1 to 4 p.m.

Coin Jar Plant

Clergy Retirement Seminar

For all clergy, regardless of your projected retirement date.

Clergy on the Northern Illinois Conference benefits program who are eligible to retire now, next year, or who like to plan ahead will want to attend this helpful seminar.

A Wespath representative will explain the retirement preparation process and present each participant a personalized retirement projection.  We will also have information regarding our retiree medical program through VIA benefits.    

You and a guest (spouse/partner) must register by OCT. 1 in order to secure a spot. If you are unable to attend and would like to receive a link to the recorded presentation, please contact Cheryl Weaver, conference benefits officer.  



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