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Prairie South Leadership Training

Location: First UMC in Dixon, IL - 202 S. Peoria Ave

District Leadership Training Ps 2023

Cost $10 each - up to a maximum of $30 per church

Online Registration


8:30 am: Registration
9:00 am: Worship (with communion)
9:45 am: Break
10:00 am: Class
12:00 pm noon: Dismissal


  • SPRC - led by Rev. Arlene Christopherson - The SPRC Workshop will include a look at the role and duties of a Staff Parish Committee as stated in the Book of Discipline.  We will review best practices and practical advice for navigating this important intersect between pastor, congregation and annual conference.
  • Intentional Discipleship - led by Rev. Caleb Hong and Karen Bonnell - What is the mission of your local church...really?  And how clear is this mission to visitors, church members, church leaders, even church staff?  The purpose of an Intentional Discipleship System (IDS) is to ensure that the mission of the church is clear to all and the church's culture is centered around honoring Jesus' command to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
  • One Board Model - led by Rev. Timothy Mitchell - Learn about the discerning process of developing a One Board Model in your church and whether this is the correct step for your church.  Come with your questions.
  • Anti-Racism - led by Rev. Jeremiah Thompson and Rev. Luis Reyes - The work of dismantling racism is an "unfinished agenda."  White privilege exists because of enduring racism and bias.  Let's engage in conversation that will lead to the work of anti-racism and the eradication of systemic racism.  
  • Congregational Care Ministry - led by Pastor Marcia Peddicord, Buzz Wheeler and Jean Gewin, CCM  - A brand new program through Discipleship Ministries from Church of the Resurrection on how to facilitate a caring ministry in your church/community at all skill levels and interest, with a look at a church where this type of ministry is already ongoing.
  • Blessing Your City - led by Pastor Jim Miller - Learn how to develop a ministry action plan, centered around community involvement and God's call.
  • Creating a Culture of Call - led by Rev. Jim Bell - Looking for Samuel:  Baptism, Commitment and Call in strange and difficult times.  Discover how God is speaking and working today to revitalize the Church.  Come, be a part.

Online Registration

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