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Prairie North Leadership Training 2025

Location: Harmony UMC in Freeport, 2600 W Pearl City Road

Pn 2025 District Training Bannerpng

Saturday, January 25
8:30 a.m. to Noon

Harmony UMC in Freeport, 2600 W Pearl City Road

You are invited to this district-wide leadership event!  We will worship together and engage in learning through different workshops.

Online registration
Registration Deadline: Sat., Jan. 18 Walk-ins will be accepted, but lunch may not be available.


  •  $15 per person (incluldes lunch)
  •  Total of $50 per Church*
    *Register each person under the church member option entering in their information and workshop choices.

Download the Flyer

Download a Bulletin Insert

Resource Tables will be available for conference-related agencies. Request a table through the registration process.


  • 8:30   Registration and Gathering
  • 9:00   Opening Worship and Plenary
  • 9:45   Workshop 1
  • 10:45  Break
  • 11:00  Workshop 2
  • 12:00   Lunch


Choose one class per session. All classes are offered in both sessions.

  • Church Mergers: Steps and Processes - led by Rev. James Preston
    Come to hear the best practices of church mergers. Rev. James Preston recently led a successful merger and will share his experiences with us. We will also learn about the basic steps and processes in church mergers. Bring all your questions!

  • Everything You Want to Know About Apportionments and Finance - led by Elaine Moy, NIC Conference Treasurer
    This will offer answers to questions about apportionments, such as: What are apportionments? Why do we pay apportionments? How are apportionments created? How are apportionment used? Who approves the apportionment amount?

  • Intentional Discipleship Systems - led by Rev. Caleb Hong
    The purpose of an IDS is to unify the local church's ministry around our core mission - to make disciples of Jesus Christ.  When our core mission is clear, it unifies the congregation and energizes every aspect of the church's life.  In this workshop, we'll focus on the purpose and process for making disciples of Jesus Christ.

  • Net-Zero: Creation Care - led by Dick Alton, NIC Net Zero Team
    Every local church be encouraged to strengthen the church’s existing green actions and lift up advocate for creation in all areas of ministry and mission, including preaching, liturgy, communications, education, and outreach. In this Leadership Training Session we will be exploring Creation Care Advocacy support systems, exchanging our congregation’s work plus sharing Conference and outside resources.

  • Spiritual Practices for Small Groups - led by Rev. Matthew Mariani
    Small groups are at the core of Wesleyan spiritual practice. Participants will learn the basics of small group structure for spiritual reflection, exercises for individual growth, and theological underpinnings of spirituality as Christian discipleship.

  • SPRC Training - led by Rev. Danita R. Anderson, Assistant to the Bishop
    What are the roles and responsibilities of the Staff-Parish Relations Committee? Rev. Danita Anderson, our new Assistant to Bishop, will lead this workshop. She will give us in-depth information for Staff Parish Relations Committee chairpersons, members, and all others who are interested in know more about the work of this important committee.

  • Strategic Goals - led by Kris Aves, Rev. Mark Harness, Pastor Brenda Morris
    Offering suggestions and resources helpful to accomplishing these three goals of our conference in your home church:
    Goal 1: To Grow and Reach New Disciples of Jesus Christ
    Goal 2: To Live Out the Conviction that Racism is Incompatible with Christian Teaching
    Goal 3: To Increase the Number of Highly Vital Congregations

  • Trustees/Insurance - led by Pastor Eddie Eddy
    What are the roles of the Trustees? What are the filing processes for insurance claims? This workshop will give you practical information regarding the day-to-day care of the church facilities as well as the preventative measures.

Questions? Contact Rev. Dr. Hwa-Young Chong

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