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Prairie North Leadership Training 2024

Location: Freeport: Harmony UMC (2600 W Pearl City Road, Freeport, Il.)

Prairie North Leadership Training 2024

Saturday, January 27
9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Freeport: Harmony UMC (2600 W Pearl City Road, Freeport, Il.)

Registration Fee

  • Per person: $10
  • Per church: $25*

Online Registration 

*After working several different avenues for church registration at a discounted rate, we are asking churches to only pay via check. Register using the online registration button above and choose the church option. Register each person under the church option entering in their information and workshop choices. Once registration for each person is completed, choose the pay via check option. When sending in the check to the office include the names of the registered. Checks for $25 per church can be sent to 303 E. Wacker Dr, Suite 2020, Chicago, IL 60601.

We will gather to worship, connect, and learn!


  • 8:30a.m. Registration and Refreshments
  • 9:00 a.m. Worship
  • 9:30 a.m. Workshop I
  • 10:30 a.m. Break
  • 10:45 a.m. Workshop II
  • 11:45 a.m. Closing

The workshops will be offered on the following topics (pick one topic per workshop):

  • Staff Parish Relations Committee Training -  led by Rev. Hwa-Young Chong, Prairie North District Superintendent
    What are the roles of the Staff Parish Relations Committee? How can the Staff Parish Relations Committee support their pastors? DS Hwa-Young will walk us through the work of the Staff Parish Relations Committee.
  • Vital Congregations, Effective Pastors - led by Rev. Jim Bell, Senior Pastor, Belvidere: First UMC
    Rev. Bell will share experiences and insights on how churches foster a culture of call. Come and learn from the best practices of one of the growing churches in our conference.
  • Church Engagement on Social Media - led by Mark Masunas, tech operator, Freeport: Harmony UMC
    How do churches engage social media? Through many avenues or one dedicated channel? This workshop examines not only the multiple platforms that churches can engage on, but how to leverage the tools they already have to faithfully provide an avenue of faith development. 
  • Branding and Communication for Local Churches - led by Lisa Smith, NIC Communication Specialist
    Branding is not just something for companies, churches can use branding and good communication skills to get out their message. Lisa Smith, NIC Communications Specialist, will explain why communication is important to the churches and share resources that churches of any size can use. 
  • Walk to Emmaus - led by John and Sandy Butler, Lay Servants
    A spiritual retreat developed by the General Board of Discipleship, Walk to Emmaus has long served as a spiritual retreat for people seeking to engage in the spiritual practice of pilgrimage without needing to travel abroad. The Walk can aid us in creating disciples who are seeking a relationship with God, to grow spiritually, and discover firmer foundations for their lives.
  • Where the Apportionments Go - led by the Conference Council of Finance and Administration
    Engaging an ever-present question, this workshop will educate participants on how apportionments serve the Church and provide ways to see apportionments as acts of faithfulness that transform the world into the Kingdom. 

Questions? Contact DS Hwa-Young Chong,

Download the Flyer

Online Registration 

Download a bulletin sized flyer

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