Seeking Peace through Sharing and Caring
The Muslim Methodist Iftar Dinner was a heartfelt evening of unity, reflection, and shared commitment to peace. Embracing the theme “Seeking Peace Through Sharing and Caring,” faith lea…
All class times must be attended to receive course credit.
Includes lunch (Sat. only), snacks, water and coffee. Each student will need to purchase their own book.
United Methodist Heritage (Living Our United Methodist Beliefs) This course will explore the special gifts of theology, witness, and organization that The United Methodist Church brings to the church universal, how we got where we are today, and how our distinctive emphases are still needed in the 21st-century church.
Participant’s Book: Living Our United Methodist Beliefs by Kenneth L. Carder
Ministry with the Forgotten: Dementia Through a Spiritual Lens This course is designed to help laity and clergy deepen their understanding of persons living with dementia and help all maintain their identity and worth as beloved children of God. Confronting the deep personal and theological questions created by loving people with dementia, Carder calls the church to a deeper discipleship defined by the quality of our caring and receiving relationships. Participants will discover what it means to carry each other’s memories, joys, and diminishments together in community. Through loving practices that nurture and incorporate persons with Alzheimer’s and dementia into the church’s life and ministry, we experience a spiritual wholeness rooted in God’s grace beyond our own strengths and capacities.
Participant’s Book Ministry with the Forgotten: Dementia through a Spiritual Lens by Kenneth L Carder
Called to Preach Called to Preach is designed to those who have not completed formal preaching training, for pastors seeking a basic refresher course and for other who are called upon to preach in a pastor’s absence.
Participant’s Book: From Pew To Pulpit by Clifton F Gurthrie
Loving People and Planet in God’s Name Canceled due to low attendance
Exploring a Culture of Care for a Caring Congregation This new advanced course, based on The Caring Congregation: Implementation Guide, equips participants with tools for deep listening and grows their capacity to care in difficult situations of loss – all within healthy boundaries and a thoughtful awareness of the varying cultural contexts of caring ministry
Participant’s Book: The Caring Congregation Ministry: Implementation Guide by Karen Lampe & Melissa Gepford
QUESTIONS? Contact Kim Emery
The Muslim Methodist Iftar Dinner was a heartfelt evening of unity, reflection, and shared commitment to peace. Embracing the theme “Seeking Peace Through Sharing and Caring,” faith lea…
As storms raced across much of the Midwest late on March 14, 2025, what is believed to be a microburst tore half the roof off of the 101-year-old building of F…
United Methodist Global Ministries missionaries Rev. Jonathan McCurley (Japan) and Rev. Dexter Ceballos (Mongolia) visited local congregations in February, sharing powerful…
In an effort to be more transparent, the Finance and Administration office is going to be consistently sharing where we are as a conference are in regards to the giving versus what is needed fo…