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Prairie North Fall Lay Academy

Location: Harvard: First, 1100 N. Division St., Harvard, IL 60033

October 16 @  8:30 am until 5 pm 

October 17 @ 1:00 pm until 4:30 pm

Cost: $25



Basic Course

"God calls you to a life of servanthood as a disciple of Jesus Christ. …Lay Servant Ministries is the first step for many laypersons toward their faith journey as they strive for a closer relationship with the Lord," the authors write in the introduction.

The Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course is a foundational course designed to equip new church leaders and renew current leaders in The United Methodist Church. It explores

· personal spiritual gifts

· servant leadership

· each leader's role in developing future leaders

· the importance of consistent spiritual practices

· the core ministries of Leading, Caring, and Communicating

· and much more.

Student Book: Lay Servant Ministries Participant’s Book

                                                                         Product Number: DR626   ISBN: 978-0-88177-6263


Methodist Heritage   

This course will explore the special gifts of theology, witness, and organization that the United Methodist Church brings to the church universal, how we got where we are today, and how our distinctive emphases are still needed in the 21st-century church.

Student Book:  Living Our Beliefs: The United Methodist Way  

 Product Number: DR571   ISBN: 978-0-88177-571-66


Embracing Personal Prayer

At the end of this course, you will be able to establish a daily practice for communicating with God and listening for God's answers. You will find ways to come to the Lord in prayer (singing, fasting, praying the Scriptures, praying for others, and using intercessory prayer). You will explore the many names of Jesus and God you can use for adoration in your prayer. You will identify your need to overcome the barriers you may now be experiencing in your prayer life. Finally, you will be provided useful tools for structuring your prayer life and focusing on the Lord.

Student Book: Lord, Teach Us to Pray     Product Number: DR570    ISBN: 978-0-88177-570-9


The Spirit and Art of Conflict transformation

Every church deals with conflict, both healthy and unhealthy, as lay servants can be equipped and empowered to help lead through those times of conflict as a time of transformation. Transforming conflict into a positive rather than a negative force is a spiritual pursuit and needs to be grounded in biblical principles: love of God, neighbor, and self. Part 1 explains how we can prepare ourselves for the work of engaging conflict. Part 2 explores how we engage others in conflict transformation, outlining specific processes. Interwoven with the practical instructions are stories that illustrate the potential for this new "JustPeace" approach.

Student Book: The Spirit and Art of Conflict Transformation 

Product number: 1026  ISBN: 978-0-8358-1026-5


Called to Preach- Llamados a Predicar (Spanish Class)

Called to Preach is designed for those who have not completed formal preaching training, for pastors seeking a basic refresher course, and for others who are called upon to preach in a pastor’s absence. Called to Preach is the required preaching course in the lay speaker track of study.

Llamados a predicar está diseñado para aquellos que no han completado la capacitación formal de predicación, para pastores que buscan un curso básico de actualización y para otros que son llamados a predicar en ausencia del pastor. Llamado a predicar es el curso de predicación requerido en la pista de estudio de oradores laicos.

News & Announcements

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