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Prairie Central Lay Academy Fall 2024

Location: Glen Ellyn:First UMC, 424 Forest Ave., Glen Ellyn

2024 Fall Lay Academy Banners

Saturdays, November 2 & 9
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.Glen Ellyn: First UMC, 424 Forest Avenue. Glen Ellyn

Cost $40
Includes needed materials, breakfast, lunches, snacks, and beverages.

Online Registration 

Class Options: (one course per academy)

  1. Spiritual Gifts: By reading, discussing, and engaging in various exercises, participants will discover that God gives spiritual gifts for the common good. They will learn the powerful connection between spiritual gifts and the mission of the local church.
    Instructors: Tom and Pat Price

  2. Polity: This course gives participants an overview of the structure and organization of the United Methodist Church. With all the changes within the church, reorganization, disaffiliation, this is a vital course to understand what United Methodism means today.
    Instructor: Rev. Beth Galbreath

  3. Ministry with the Forgotten: Dementia Through a Spiritual Lens: This class is designed to help laity and clergy deepen their understanding of persons living with dementia and help them maintain their identity as beloved children of God.
    Instructor: Rev. Norval Brown

All class times must be attended to receive course credit.

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Mary Mecker -

Lay Academies are being offered in other districts. You are welcome to attend the academy that works for your needs.

News & Announcements

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