UM Missionaries see lives changed in Asia and Africa
United Methodist Global Ministries missionaries Rev. Jonathan McCurley (Japan) and Rev. Dexter Ceballos (Mongolia) visited local congregations in February, sharing powerful…
United Methodists relate to this special Sunday by seeking peaceful solutions, creating and supporting peace-related ministries in their conference and learning about peaceful, just efforts around the world. Our Social Principles call us to love our enemies, seek justice, and serve as reconcilers of conflict. We insist that the first moral duty of all nations is to work together to resolve by peaceful means every dispute that arises between or among them.
Donations for this special Sunday support programs and ministries to educate, equip and mobilize actions in support of identified Economic, Health, and Gender Justice Priorities. Half of the funds collected on this Special Sunday remain in the Annual Conference to strengthen social justice ministries within the local conference. The other half of the donations collected fund national and international peacemaking ministries and grants.
HOW TO GIVE: Write a check to your local church and write, “Peace with Justice Sunday offering” in the memo line. Churches can give through the NIC Apportionment process.
Learn more and find resources about Peace with Justice Sunday
United Methodist Global Ministries missionaries Rev. Jonathan McCurley (Japan) and Rev. Dexter Ceballos (Mongolia) visited local congregations in February, sharing powerful…
In an effort to be more transparent, the Finance and Administration office is going to be consistently sharing where we are as a conference are in regards to the giving versus what is needed fo…
Rev. Ronald W. Purser, a retired member of the Northern Illinois Conference, passed away on Monday, February 24, 2025.
Robert "Bob" Lacock, spouse of Rev. Dr. Michelle Oberwise Lacock, a retired member of the Northern Illinois Conference, Friday, February 28, 2025.