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PAUMCS Chat: Mentoring New Office Workers

Location: Online

A Meeting of the Minds:
Mentoring a New Church Employee/Volunteer  


We often find ourselves responsible for helping our new employees or volunteers become a valuable part of our ministry team. We’ll cover important foundational basics such as boundaries, confidentiality, change, and security. 

Church office staff (paid and volunteer) are welcome to participate.

Join Zoom Meeting

  • Meeting ID: 827 361 1463
  • Passcode: NIC
  • One tap mobile: +13126266799,,8273611463#
  • Dial by your location: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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The NIC chapter of PAUMCS gets together via Zoom once a month at 10 a.m., rotating on the first Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, to chat informally around topics that are relevant to our work and ministry in the church office. If you are part of a church office staff (paid or volunteer) are welcome to put this repeating gathering on your calendar and join us as you are able.  

PAUMCS a professional support and networking association through which The United Methodist Church nurtures the ministry of its church office administration. Learn  more here.

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