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Lake South Leadership Training 2025

Location: South Suburban Korean UMC, 19320 Kedzie Ave., Flossmoor

Ls 2025 District Training Bannerpng

Saturday, January 18
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

South Suburban Korean UMC, 19320 Kedzie Ave., Flossmoor

Online registration

Cost: $10 per person, includes lunch

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  • 9 - Gathering/Refreshments
  • 9:30 - Worship
  • 10:30 - Morning Workshops
  • 12 - Lunch
  • 1:15 - Afternoon Workshops
  • 2:45 - Closing


  • Morning Workshops (Please select one)
    • Movements, Music and More for Youth Ages 5 – 18
      Calling all young people!!!  This workshop is especially designed for those under age 19. You are a gift to the body of Christ.  We want you to understand the privilege and honor it is to serve Christ and His Church and to know that you have a place to serve among everyone else in your local church. And we want you to have fun doing it.  So come on out and enjoy the day with us.
    • Finance Committee - Barbara Sutton, Deaconess, CCFA, Maple Park UMC
      This workshop provides a step-by-step explanation of the purpose and responsibilities of the ministry of the committee on finance. In addition, the workshop provides guidelines and examples of how to perform the duties of the committee on finance as well as reference materials that can be used by the committee. Members of the church finance committee should take the Workshop on the Ministry of the Committee on Finance to learn what their responsibilities are and how to accomplish the mission of the committee.
    • Staff Parish Relations Committee - Rev. Danita R. Anderson, Assistant to the Bishop
      How do you care for and manage the staff of your congregation?  What happens if you are caring for and managing a clergy person in a cross racial/cross cultural appointment?  What really does go on when there is an appointment change?  How do you end well?  The first 90 days of a new appointment.  What if the pastor is…?
    • Trustees - Rev. Nancy Blade, Chair, NIC Trustees, and pastor at Euclid Avenue UMC, Oak Park
      “Stewardship of Church Buildings & Property” - New and returning Trustees will learn a few things from the best practices shared in this workshop. Preparedness, problem solving, and keeping the team and the church members happy are a few of the topics covered. Our presenter Rev. Nancy Blade is the president of the NIC Board of Trustees and has visited many churches on the Lake South District. She currently serves Euclid Avenue UMC, a sustainable church. 
    • Lay Leaders - Eugene Williams, NIC Co-Lay Leader
      The lay leader serves as primary advocate for and representative of the laity in the congregation.  The lay leader’s responsibilities touch the entire breadth of the congregation’s life.  The lay leader fosters awareness of the role of the laity within the congregation; works closely and meets regularly with the pastor to discuss the state of the church and the needs for ministry. The Lay Leader serves as a member of the charge conference, church council, the committee on finance, the committee on nominations and leadership development, and the committee on staff/pastor-parish relations.  Join us as we learn together how to work effectively in our ministry settings to make disciples for Christ for the transformation of the world.
    • Evangelism and Discipleship through Life Group Ministry - DS Dr. Audrea F. Nanabray
      Every church desires to grow. The workshop on Evangelism and Discipleship Through Life Group Ministry will give effective methods for how to grow our church, strengthen member relationships, and joyfully fulfill our individual purpose as a Christian. You don’t want to miss this.
  • Afternoon Workshops (Please select one)
    • Movements, Music and More for Youth Ages 5 – 18
      Calling all young people!!!  This workshop is especially designed for those under age 19. You are a gift to the body of Christ.  We want you to understand the privilege and honor it is to serve Christ and His Church and to know that you have a place to serve among everyone else in your local church. And we want you to have fun doing it.  So come on out and enjoy the day with us.
    • Creating Momentum Through Effective Leadership Structures - Rev. Dr. Jaye Johnson, Superintendent of Congregational Excellence and New Communities of Faith, Iowa Conference UMC
      In this session, we will examine the key differences between a simplified traditional structure and a truly integrated single-board system. We will discuss the challenges congregations may face when transitioning and explore practical solutions.
    • Visiting and Care Ministries - Rev. Dr. Michelle Taylor Sanders, retired elder
      This workshop will help clergy and laity be better prepared to support people who are facing the end of their lives. We will discuss the importance of talking about this difficult topic; making end of life decisions, completing paper work, etc. You will get a better understanding about hospice and the help they can provide. As Christians, we should face death with courage, faith and love.  This workshop will make that easier.
    • Intercultural Competency in Ministry - Rev. Anna Shin, NIC Shepharing Team co-chair and pastor at Friendship UMC in Bolingbrook
      In today’s culturally diverse world, creating an inclusive environment is essential for church ministry. This session offers insights into cultural diversity, intercultural competence, and practical tools to foster inclusivity in our congregations and ministries.
    • Introducing UMC Media - Rev. Victoria Rebek, NIC Director of Communications
      We are to be the bearers of good news to our communities. What are some ways to catch the attention of our neighbors, and to be for them the community of God's love? Victoria Rebeck, a deacon and the director of communications for the Northern Illinois Conference, will offer some suggestions.
    • Stronger Together - The value of our connectional work - Rev. Fabiola Grandon-Mayer, NIC Director of Connectional Ministries
      This workshop is designed to celebrate and enhance the unique connectional nature of the United Methodist Church within the Northern Illinois Conference. It explores how shared mission, resources, and partnerships across congregations empower ministry and expand outreach. Through interactive discussion and real-life examples, participants learn how working together strengthens discipleship, fosters community impact, and builds resilience in the face of challenges. Rooted in the Methodist tradition of connectionalism, this workshop inspires clergy and laity to deepen collaboration and fulfill the Church’s mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
    • Net – Zero - Rev. Harriette Cross, NIC Net Zero Committee Member and pastor at Wilmington UMC
      In this workshop we will discuss what it means for your church to lessen its carbon footprint as the move forward to becoming NetZero by 2050.  We will talk about what it means to be asdvocate for eco-sustainability and give practical steps that each church can take to be more environmentally friendly.  Representatives from Com Ed and Faith in Place will be present to provide programs and resources for churches to become NetZero.

Questions? Rev. Innis Miller, Chair, Lake South Shepherding Team

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In Sympathy: Robert "Bob" Lacock

Robert "Bob" Lacock, spouse of Rev. Dr. Michelle Oberwise Lacock, a retired member of the Northern Illinois Conference, Friday, February 28, 2025.
