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Lake South Lay Academy Fall 2024

Location: Dolton: Faith UMC, 15015 Grant St., Dolton

2024 Fall Lay Academy Banners

Saturdays, October 5 & 12
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Dolton: Faith UMC, 15015 Grant St., Dolton

Cost $20


Class Options: (one course per academy)

  1. Basic Course: The Basic Course focuses on three primary aspects of Lay Servant Ministry: Leading Caring, and Communicating.
    Book: Basic Course Participant Guide, by Sandy Zeigler Jackson & Brian Jackson.
    Instructor: Jessica Houston, CLS
  2. Living Our United Methodist Beliefs: This Course will explore the special gifts of theology, witness, and organization that the United Methodist Church brings to the church universal. Book: Living Our United Methodist Beliefs: The United Methodist Way, by Kenneth L. Carder.
    Instructor : Robert D. Massey, Sr., CLS
  3. The Caring Congregation Ministry: This new advanced course, based on The Caring Congregations, will equip participants with tools for deep listening and grow their capacity to care in difficult situations of loss
    Book: The Caring Congregation Ministry, by Karen Lampe, Melissa Collier Gepford
    Instructor: Rev. Marcus Tabb.
  4. Sacraments: Means of Grace: This advanced course with a leader’s guide by Rev. Beth Galbreath gives a deeper experience of the sacraments and many ideas for deepening congregations' sacramental practice of Baptism and Holy Communion.
    Book: This Holy Mystery: A United Methodist Understanding of Holy Communion,  Participant’s Book, by Gayle Carlton Felton
    Instructor: Lois Nemeth, CLS 
  5. Soul Reset: The course helps participants discover the power of Rest through practices that creates spiritual wholeness.
    Book: Soul Reset: Breakdown, Breakthrough, and the Journey to Wholeness, by Junius B Dotson.
    Instructor: Glynis Massey, CLS 

All books may be purchased at your favorite bookseller.
All class times must be attended to receive course credit.

Download the Flyer

Irma Clark,  (312) 504-9095 
Selena Robertts 

Lay Academies are being offered in other districts. You are welcome to attend the academy that works for your needs.

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