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Installation of DS Victor Melad Jr.

Location: First UMC, Evanston, 516 Church St., Evanston

Ln Victorinstallation Banner

Sunday, Sept. 15

First United Methodist Church of Evanston
516 Church St.

3 p.m.

Please join Bishop Schwerin and the Lake North District as we welcome and celebrate Rev. Victor Melad Jr. as the new superintendent of the Lake North District.  Rev. Melad will deliver the message as we gather to sing, pray, hear the Word, and break bread together in the spirit of Christ.

Hospitality, featuring Filipino desserts, will be served following the service.

All are welcome!

Livestream of the service is being provided by First UMC on their YouTube page here.

Free parking is available in the parking garage on the corner of Church Street and Chicago.

You are welcome to bring a note, a card, or a picture that will tell Rev. Melad something about you. 

Clergy are encouraged to robe for the service.

If robing, please wear a red stole and arrive around 2:30 p.m. Changing space is provided in the FUMC coat room and personal items can be left in the room. Processional will be in place by 2:50 p.m.

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