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Fresh Expressions: Dinner Church

Location: Crown Plaza Hotel Chicago-Northbrook, 2875 North Milwaukee Avenue, Northbrook, IL 60062

Saturday, September 21, 9am to 4pm 

Fresh Expressions / Expresiones Divinas: 

Dinner Church / Cena Iglesia

Discover the beauty of the dinner table / Desubre la belleza de la mesa de cena

Cost: $40/person, includes lunch

This event is for Spanish speakers

Register online

Clicking on the registration button will redirect you from the NIC web site.

Los líderes de todo el país están redescubriendo la teología de la mesa de Jesús que dominó la Era Apostólica. El movimiento actual de la Iglesia Cena está dando a los líderes y las iglesias una capacidad renovada para llegar a personas que nunca asistirían a sus reuniones de los domingos por la mañana.

Leaders all across the country are rediscovering Jesus' dinner table theology that dominated the Apostolic Era. The present-day Dinner Church movement is giving leaders and churches a renewed ability to reach people who would never attend their Sunday morning gatherings.

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Este evento de capacitación comienza con la rica historia teológica de la visión de la iglesia de la cena, y progresa a lo largo del día hacia ideas más prácticas que permitirían a un líder o grupo imaginarse organizando una Iglesia de la Cena en su propia comunidad.

A Dinner Church Encounter is a 1-day training event, beginning with the rich theological history of the dinner church vision, and progresses throughout the day toward more practical insights that would enable a leader or group to imagine hosting a Dinner Church in their own community.

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 A Partnership with The Academy for Faith Community Development for The Northern Illinois Conference of The United Methodist Church 

News & Announcements


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In Sympathy: Rev. Dennis M. Oglesby Jr.

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