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Braver Angels: Skills for Disagreeing Better

Location: Online

Skills For Disagreeing Better Banner

THURSDAY,  OCTOBER 17 - 7-8:30 P.M.

Join the Advocacy Partners, a sub-group of the Anti-racism Task Force of the Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church, and the Braver Angels organization for this on-line skill building workshop.

Registration is required to recieve the link.
Donations Help Use promo code BRAVER during registration to get a free ticket.
Donations beyond the free ticket support Braver Angels, 501(c)3.

Register online

The Skills for Disagreeing Better workshop helps participants understand the values and concerns of those who differ from them politically and teaches essential skills for communicating across differences and finding common ground.
• Grow understanding of the values and concerns of people who differ from you politically
• Learn skills for listening in a way the other person feels heard
• Learn skills for sharing viewpoints in a way the other person might hear even if they disagree

The ultimate goal of the Advocacy Partners is to work with Braver Angels to offer workshops that bring together people of different races, world views, and experiences to focus on having constructive conversations about racism and its divisive effects in our culture.

Questions? Contact Lisa Rogers at

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