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Black Healing Collective

The Black Healing Collective Banner



“I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet, this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. (Lamentation 3:19-22).

Black Healing Collective Resources

Strengthening the Black Church (SBC21)

  • SBC21 Resources Click here
  • Leadership Forward Events
    • Dare to Shift, Dr. Michael L. Bowie, Jr. and Dr. Stephen Handy - November 16 at 12pm cst/1pm est/10am pst. Register here.
    • SHIFT HAPPENS 2024 For Pastors and Laity - January 10-12, 2024, Houston, Texas. Learn more.

Black Healing Collective 18-Month Cohort

The Black Healing Collective Cohort is a small group created to understand racial trauma personally, congregationally, and in society. The cohort program will utilize trauma-informed research and practices to develop a pathway(s) toward healing. The cohort will be 12-18 months with various leadership development and skill-building monthly meetings, outings, travel, and learning and engagement opportunities to enhance individual capacity to support the church and community in becoming more trauma-informed and resilient.

Participation is limited to Black lay and clergy of the United Methodist Church. Priority is given to Northern IL Conference members. However, if space is not filled, it will be open to Black lay and clergy of the United Methodist Church in other conferences.

Cohort Schedule         FAQ Document


  • Most sessions will be held via Zoom on the 4th Tuesday of the month from 6-7:15 p.m. CST unless otherwise noted. The agenda for the cohort sessions, outings, and travel is availabe to download here.
  • A Zoom orientation will be held on Tues., 9/26/23, 6-7:15p CST.

Fee Schedule:

  • The $200 registration fee is due no later than 10/31/23.
    The registration fee includes a DNA test, a binder, a genogram, racial trauma and trauma-informed sessions.
  • A $250 travel fee is due by 3/13/24 to attend a 3-day/2-night Sept. 2024 trip to Washington, DC. Travel is not mandatory to participate in the cohort.
  • A full refund minus a $25 administrative fee is available if a written request for cancellation is received by 10/31/23. A written refund request can be sent to Amania Drane at There is no refund after 10/31/2023.

Registration Payment Link

Questions? Contact Amania Drane

Black Healing Collective (BHC)


We exist as people of Black African heritage seeking to become aware of the harmful effects of racial trauma in the Black community and provide resources and healing practices which strengthen and sustain us mentally, spiritually, and physically.


As people of Black African heritage and also members of the Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church, we work toward a future of learning and healing which is guided by the power and hope of the Holy Spirit so that we become gift bearers of our healing and the healing of others.

Learn about the BHC History here.

The BHC retreat, workshop, and work is a call, an invitation, to evolve as Henri Nouwen suggests, as “wounded healers.” We hope to be gift bearers of our healing and the healing of others. “We are all wounded healers, but our woundedness is in vain if we cannot find ways to become healers of our land….. We must love ourselves enough to take the necessary time to attend to our woundedness. Healing is God’s amazing gift to all. Let us begin our healing.”

Current BHC participating retreat alumni: Tracie Broadnax, Rev. Dr. Norval Brown, Lisa Butler, Rev. Harriette Cross, Rev. Dr. Jacques Conway, Rev. Andrea Davidson, Rev. Regina Davis-Bridges, Amania Drane, Lennox Iton, Leonard Jones, Rev. Luther Mason, Rev. Josiah Montgomery, Rev. Pamela Pirtle, Rev. Tennille Power, Rev. Allyson Talbert, Rev. Dr. Irene Taylor, and Eugene Williams.

Past Participating member and part of the Leadership Team: Walton Davis (deceased)

News & Announcements

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In Sympathy: Ronald W. Purser

Rev. Ronald W. Purser, a retired member of the Northern Illinois Conference, passed away on Monday, February 24, 2025.

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In Sympathy: Robert "Bob" Lacock

Robert "Bob" Lacock, spouse of Rev. Dr. Michelle Oberwise Lacock, a retired member of the Northern Illinois Conference, Friday, February 28, 2025.
