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Racial Justice 

The Northern Illinois Conference has declared that racism is inconsistent with Christian teaching. Committed to that conviction, the conference promotes racial justice, equity, and inclusion.

Commission on Religion and Race

The CCRR, with the assistance of The United Methodist Church's General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR), tracks the racial “health” of the Northern Illinois Conference, its churches, and its ministries. It forms connections to other groups working on advocating for racial justice, and provides guidance on concerns such as cross-cultural/cross-racial appointments of clergy.  GCORR offers many resources for promoting interracial understanding, advocating for racial justice, and learning resources for groups and individuals.

Among its initiatives:

  • Becoming the Beloved Community Workshop on how to talk about racism in American and in your church.  Learn more.
  • Discipleship and Anti-Racism for Youth (DAY), which helps youth leaders shape a justice generation.  (Dates to be announced when scheduled.)
  • Cultural tours, such as the Civil-Rights Pilgimage offered in 2023
  • The Ephesus Project: Churches Together, which brings together churches (often of different racial/ethic makeup) through pulpit and church exchanges to build partnerships for fellowship and justice advocacy. Download information here.
  • Clergy Peer Reflection and Engagement Series (CPRES), where clergy can learn together and support each other as they confront racism and advocate for racial justice. (Dates to be announced when scheduled.)
  • NIC Presents Series events that take place quarterly and lead participants in learning and action.
  • The Champion Team, made up of people who work on Anti-Racism committees and extend the work into congregations. For more information, contact the Anti Racism group.

Learning Path

The plan provides abundant resources to deepen knowledge on race and anti-racism, plus plans of guided study for individuals and groups. Download the document.

NIC Ethnic and Racial Fellowships and Ministries

News & Announcements
