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Repair the Harm to Children Donations

Repair The Harm To Children Crop


Online Payments

Payments for organizations and individuals can be made online through our donation system.
Choose the Boy Scout Survivor Fund in the drop down menu.

Make Your Online Payment with

Payments for churches can be made online through our apportionment payment system, Prosper.
Under the apportionments tab, "add a line", enter in fund "501", and choose project "BSA - Repair the harm: BSA Settlement."

Make Your Online Prosper Payment

Mailable Payments

Payment  via check is also available.
Please make payments by checks payable to Northern Illinois Conference.  Please include a note or indicate on the check that it is for the BSA or Repair the Harm.
Checks can be mailed to:
   Northern Illinois Conference
   Repair the Harm
   PO Box 5646
   Carol Stream, IL 60197-5646

Visit the Repair the Harm Page

Visit the Repair the Harm FAQ Page

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