2024 Our Connectional Generosity is Rising
The 2024 apportionment contributions reflect a positive trend in giving across the Northern Illinois Conference. Churches contributed $4,110,820 toward conference apportionments (79%…
The General Conference is the highest legislative body of The United Methodist Church. It is the only body that can speak for the denomination. General Conference holds the responsibility to revise The Book of Discipline and The Book of Resolutions. General Conference usually meets every four years. Delegates are United Methodists—half of them clergy and half of them lay—elected by their annual, missionary, or provisional conference. The total number of delegates at General Conference must always fall between 600 and 1,000 people. Every conference is allowed to send at least two.
The General Conference that was scheduled for 2020 have been postponed to April 23 to May 3, 2024. It will take place at the Charlotte (NC) Convention Center.
The United Methodist Church in the United States is divided into five areas known as jurisdictions: Northeastern, Southeastern, North Central, South Central, and Western. Outside of the United States, these bodies are called Central Conferences. They meet every four years, usually during the summer following General Conference, to elect new bishops and select members of general boards and agencies. Some jurisdictions provide some program and leadership training events to support the annual conferences. Northern Illinois Conference is part of North Central Jurisdiction.
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2023-2024 Delegate open meeting schedule
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NIC Members of the NCJ Episcopacy Committee
The 2024 apportionment contributions reflect a positive trend in giving across the Northern Illinois Conference. Churches contributed $4,110,820 toward conference apportionments (79%…
Rev. Fabiola Grandon-Mayer reflects on the new quadrennium as a time for the Northern Illinois Conference to address evolving needs through fresh ministry…
The UMC General Conference (postponed from 2020) came to order on the morning of April 23. Follow daily reports focusing on topics of interest to Northern Illinois Conference readers.
General Conference takes thousands of people to help the event run smoothly and do its work. United Methodists from across Northern Illinois partici…