March 2025 Benefits Insights
Key Benefits Insights for March: HealthFlex Blueprint for Wellness Event at Annual Conference, upcoming Compass Retirement Plan training, Well-Being Incentives, and a fun Italian Stuffed Cabbage ro…
The Academy (Hispanic/Latino) for Faith Community Development is a two-year training program for pastors and lay persons who feel called to start a “new thing” with the Hispanic/Latino community of Northern Illinois. This intensive process provides support, ministry skills development, and leadership training in order to prepare a pool of leaders for reaching out to religious “nones” through Hispanic/Latino ministries in the Northern Illinois Conference.
We invite you to recommend prayerfully someone whom you believe is suited and gifted for planting a new church or starting a new ministry. This could be a colleague, a clergy person, a lay person, or even yourself!
The Academy seeks participants who have the following traits: (1) A passion for starting a “new thing.” Many Academy participants will not launch a church plant. We simply desire participants zealous for reaching religious “nones.” (2) Hunger for learning. We desire participants who want to learn from the presenters, peer-to-peer sharing, personal accountability, and the spiritual formation process.
I learned when and how to reach out to new people at the Conference Academy!
By visiting other churches, I picked up new ideas for my local ministry.
For more information, contact Martin Lee, at
2017-19 Class
Key Benefits Insights for March: HealthFlex Blueprint for Wellness Event at Annual Conference, upcoming Compass Retirement Plan training, Well-Being Incentives, and a fun Italian Stuffed Cabbage ro…
The 2024 apportionment contributions reflect a positive trend in giving across the Northern Illinois Conference. Churches contributed $4,110,820 toward conference apportionments (79%…
The Northern Illinois Conference’s HEAL Well initiative addresses food insecurity and environmental sustainability by uniting faith communiti…
Rev. Fabiola Grandon-Mayer reflects on the Northern Illinois Conference’s commitment to diversity and unity, emphasizing that differences are gifts that enrich and…