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North Central Jurisdiction College of Bishops Commitment to Anti-Racism

The killing of George Floyd at the hands of police officers in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 25 has rocked our nation and world and pierced us to the core.  The video image seared into our minds, hearts and souls is horrific, terrifying, disgusting and outrageous.  While we’ve each made commitments and statements in our respective areas along with many of our cabinet members, we think it important to speak together as the North Central Jurisdiction College of Bishops.  We affirm the work being done in each of our conferences, the work of the Council of Bishops, the work of our General Agencies, and the work of our ecumenical and interfaith partners in responding to this heartbreaking, soul-shattering event.

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Raising Our Voices – UVC Annual Awards Ceremony

United Voices for Children (UVC) has announced the recipients of its 2020 annual awards for outstanding advocacy and service for children and youth throughout Northern Illinois. 

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Children still count!

The COVID-19 pandemic has made a significant impact on the operational guidelines used by the U.S. Census Bureau. Changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the counting process to protect the health and safety of the American public and Census Bureau employees, has a tremendous negative impact on already under represented and underserved groups. However through intentional education and mobilization, faith communities can make a significant positive difference in Census return rates.

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Bending Toward Justice

Many of our members have asked “What is B.M.C.R.’s response to this terrible event? How will we address the continued discrimination and oppression of black and brown people?” We answer as follows: Chicago B.M.C.R. advocates for and supports peaceful protests against the horrendous death and physical abuse of George Floyd and calls for “Justice NOW!”

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Dyck Sally

Bishop Monday Message: Racism is Incompatible with Christian Teaching

One of the annual conference’s strategic goals is “to live out the conviction that racism is incompatible with Christian teaching.” This is a tall order as we come to it with four centuries of baggage. Recently I was asked what it means: “racism is incompatible with Christian teaching.” We all need to wrestle with what it means in our own lives, communities, churches, and certainly our nation.

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ChildServ changes name

After 34 years as ChildServ, the Chicago-based child welfare agency officially announced that it has changed its name and visual identity to Kids Above All. The transition, which took effect on June 15, 2020, marked the fifth time it has rebranded. “Kids Above All is a statement of priority and principle. It’s a defiant and powerful call-to-action, challenging every member of the community to place the safety, well-being, and education of all kids above everything else,” said Kids Above All President and CEO Dan Kotowski. 

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