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Lords Prayer

Lord's Prayer in Unison

In the face of the worldwide pandemic of the novel coronavirus, Bishop Sally Dyck and the Cabinet calls us to join Christians around the world for an Ecumenical Reciting of the Lord's Prayer today, Wednesday, March 25 at noon.

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Dyck Sally

Bishop Message: Stay at home

Last Friday Governor Pritzker ordered us to “stay at home,” or as it’s more commonly called, "shelter in place." Sheltering in place is for our own health and safety as well as for the health and safety of others. But remember we have another shelter: the shelter that comes from God. 

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Service Update 1080x1080

Bishop Statement Regarding Governor’s Stay-At-Home Order

The governor of the state of Illinois has issued an order that all but essential workers are to stay safe by staying at home. This order is for the safety of all of us.

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Nic Daily Prayer

Daily prayer and support

The Northern Illinois Conference’s Discipleship Task Force, invite you to join us in daily prayer of support, joy, and encouragement. Our task force will provide daily prayers on the conference’s social media sites starting Wed., March 18 through at least April 30. 

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Bishop Dyck calls for suspending worship services

Following new restrictions from the President's COVID-19 task force and the CDC, I think it's time we suspend in-person worship services in our churches until further notice. But that doesn't mean we stop being in ministry. In fact, we need to put our ministry in high gear!

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Ways to Worship Virtually

Since the coronavirus has been declared a pandemic, we need to creatively plan the means by which we can effectively communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ through this public health crisis. I believe that the church is the hope of the world. Many years ago, I met with Lyle Schaller who has written more books about congregational development than anyone I know. I shared with him my outlines for “4 Essentials of Congregational Development.” He reviewed it and suggested one more area which is “Clearly Defined Constituency.” He explained to me that the vision identifies the targeted people geographically, demographically, culturally, and spiritually.

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